Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Difference Between 5th and 6th Dimension

It is easy to understand first 4 dimensions, but people find it difficult to get the idea of 5th and 6th dimension. It took me time to understand these concepts and today I will try to explain the difference between two higher dimensions in simple language.

Let's See First 4 Dimensions in Brief

1st Dimension: A Dot.
2nd Dimension: A Line on a Plain. 
3rd Dimension: A Line that Connects to the Point that is not on a Plain.
4th Dimension: Time Connecting Two 3 Dimensional Events.

What is 5th Dimension?

5th Dimension is the Probability Space limited by Causality. Definition of Causality in Wikipedia is, "Causality (also referred to as causation) is the relation between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first".

For example, You can become president of your nation by choosing different events in your life from probability space, where each event will cause another event to preserve causality. That's what we call "Law of Attraction", but you can not choose and go back in time into the period of Dinosaurs. To go back to visit Dinosaurs, you need an extra Dimension, which is 6th Dimension. You can imagine 5th dimension as different branches from the particular point on the same timeline, but to change timeline itself, let's see 6th dimension.

What is 6th Dimension?

6th Dimension is the Quantum Space where anything can be possible within the basic rules of that Universe. You can choose different timelines within that same universe. For example, you can choose the timeline of Dinosaurs. 3 dimensional events are not interdependent in 6th dimension. You can disappear from one point in Time and Space to reappear in other totally different point in Time and Space. 6th Dimension gives you more freedom than the 5th dimension.

Difference Between 5th and 6th Dimension

Imagine an ant walking inside a pipe and a bee flying inside the same pipe. Ant is like 5th dimensional species, where bee is like 6th dimensional species. Ant walks inside the pipe to reach from one point to another. There are steps involved in it. Bee flies inside the pipe to directly reach to another point.

Difference Between Dimensions
Difference Between 5th and 6th Dimension

There are stories in ancient Indian myths about humans appearing and disappearing instantly from one place to another just like Teleportation. Are they Ancient Aliens having dimensional technology?

Additional References: 

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