Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How Gmail Aliases Works?

Outlook (Previously, Hotmail) allows you to create up to 10 additional email aliases (addresses) under your same email account. Yahoo also allows you to create an additional email address and aliases. Gmail works little bit different. You can not create extra email address under the same Gmail account. But you can create unlimited Gmail aliases by just using "+" sign in front of your email address. So if your Gmail address is xyz@gmail.com, then you can simply add any word in front of xyz after + sign to create Gmail alias, like xyz+blog@gmail.com. Emails for xyz+blog@gmail.com will be delivered to xyz@gmail.com.

What is the Use of Gmail Aliases?

Gmail Aliases are useful to prevent spam and categorize your inbox. If you are giving your email address on a suspicious website for newsletter subscription to receive free ebooks or CDs, then to prevent potential spam emails from that website, you can subscribe using Gmail Alias. As soon as you start receiving spam emails from that website, you can create a filter with that alias to automatically delete all those emails.

Gmail Alias
Use of Gmail Aliases

You can apply labels for the emails coming form different aliases to categorize your inbox. You can even forward emails coming from particular email alias to another email account.

There is another interesting thing that you can do with your Gmail account. You can add "." (dot) between any character of your email address. The emails coming to that new email address with dot will come on your same email address. For example, x.yz@gmail.com will be delivered to xyz@gmail.com.

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